On Saturday 25th November, the Lustleigh Society presents an evening of Film and live music to celebrate the life of the poet Charles Causley. Not only will the feature length film be introduced by the director Jane Darke, Jim Causley, a distant relation of the poet, will also be present to sing some of his settings of Causley’s poems
An evening not to be missed – Saturday 25th November 7.30 p.m. Lustleigh Village Hall
Tickets £8.50 available from Lustleigh Dairy and Tickets £8.50 available from Lustleigh Dairy
E: peter@moormasons.plus.com
T: 01647 277498
Lustleigh has been chosen for this special event because of the Lustleigh connection with the Causley family – the name is a derivative of Caseley and they are a family with long connections in the area.