A (Partial) Bibliography
This bibliography was originally compiled in 1987 by Barry Newport, and has been revised and extended over succeeding years. It is very comprehensive in many of its categories, but not entirely so.
Click on the tabs below to view the various separate sections of bibliography:
Here are all volumes of collected poetry published under Charles Causley's name alone.
Please note: although Causley himself generally objected to such a distinction, titles which are marked here with an asterisk (*) indicate that all (or at least the majority) of the poems included are often thought of as being aimed only at children. Conversely, some of his poems considered as being 'for children' appear in his general collections, too.
TitlePublisherYearCommentFarewell Aggie WestonThe Hand and Flower Press1951Published with a paper cover -- in some printings, showing the alternative title 'Poems in Pamphlet 1: Charles Causley'.Survivor’s LeaveThe Hand and Flower Press1953Union StreetRupert Hart-Davis19572nd edition printed. Foreword by Edith Sitwell. Contains some poems from Causley's two previous collections.Johnny AlleluliaRupert Hart-Davis1961Underneath the WaterMacmillan1968Two paperback versions exist; one with the same cover as the hardback, another with a black cover. Designers not attributed.Figure of 8Macmillan1969Narrative poems.Collected Poems 1951-75Macmillan19752nd edition printed. Paperback version also published in the US, by David R. Godine, Boston.Figgie Hobbin * (UK edition)Macmillan1970Illustrations by Pat Marriott.Figgie Hobbin * (US edition)Walker1973American edition, with illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman. Contains fewer poems than the UK edition.Secret DestinationsMacmillan1984Paperback edition also issued in 1986.Early in the Morning *Viking1986Illustrated by Michael Foreman. Music by Anthony Castro. A paperback edition (without the music) was issued by Puffin in 1988.Twenty One PoemsCelandine Press1986Limited edition of 75 bound in quarter-leather, and the remaining 225 copies bound in quarter buckram. With tipped-in illustrations by Robert Tilling, and a slip-case.Jack the Treacle Eater *Macmillan1987Illustrated by Charles Keeping. Paperback edition issued in 1988.A Field of VisionMacmillan1988Paperback edition also issued.Figgie Hobbin *Macmillan1990New edition, illustrated by Gerald Rose. Paperback edition issued in 1993.The Young Man of Cury *Macmillan1991Illustrated by Michael Foreman. Paperback edition issued in 1993.Bring in the Holly *Frances Lincoln1992Illustrated by Lisa Kopper. Paperback edition also issued in 2000.All Day Saturday *Macmillan1994Illustrated by Anthony Lewis. Paperback edition issued in 1995.Going to the Fair *Viking1994Illustrated by Lianne Payne. Paperback edition issued in 1996.Collected Poems for Children *Macmillan1996Foreword by Roger McGough. Illustrated by John Lawrence. Paperback edition issued in 2000.Selected Poems for Children *Macmillan1997llustrated by John Lawrence. Paperback edition also issued.Collected Poems 1951-1997Macmillan1997Collected Poems 1951-2000Macmillan2000Revised paperback edition of 'Collected Poems 1951-1997', with several extra poems included.Figgie Hobbin *Macmillan2002New paperback edition, with illustrations by Tony Ross.All Day Saturday *Macmillan2003New paperback edition, with illustrations by Tony Ross.Jack the Treacle Eater *Macmillan2002New paperback edition, with illustrations by Tony Ross.The Young Man of Cury *Macmillan2003New paperback edition, with illustrations by Tony Ross.I Had a Little Cat *Macmillan2009A re-titled, new, paperback edition of the 'Collected Poems for Children'. -
This page contains information on poetry books where Causley shares the content with one or more other poets.
Causley’s poems have appeared in hundreds of anthologies, and it neither practical nor sensible to list all of these. The following list is therefore limited to books where the number of other poets involved is small, and/or the number of Causley poems included is significant.
TitlePublisherYearCommentPenguin Modern Poets 3Penguin1962Alongside George Barker and Martin Bell. Cover design by Peter Barrett.Pergamon Poets 10Pergamon Press1970With Laurie Lee.Worlds: Seven Modern PoetsPenguin1974With Thom Gunn, Seamus Heaney, Ted Hughes, Norman MacCaig, Adrian Mitchell, and Edwin Morgan. Photographs by Fay Godwin.Words: Broadsheet 5Words Press1974Single poems by Causley and Frank Lissauer. 100 copies only.Poets in Hand (A Puffin Quintet)Puffin1985With John Fuller, Elizabeth Jennings, Vernon Scannell and John Walsh.Charles Causley and Kathleen RaineLongman's Poetry Library1989Penguin Modern Poets 6Penguin1996Alongside U. A. Fanthorpe and Elma Mitchell. Cover design by Antonio Agnelo Colaco.Utterly Brilliant PoetryViking2000Edited by Brian Patten and with illustrations by Alison Jay.Literacy EvolveHeinemann2021With Michael Rosen. Illustrated by Robert Yannick. -
This page shows three categories of Causley poems published on their own:
• poems issued by publishers for general public sale;
• limited edition poems, either published for public sale or for private distribution;
• and poems printed on posters or on card, for publicity purposes.
Issued by publishers for general sale
TitlePublisherYearCommentTail of the TrinosaurBrockhampton1972Illustrated by Jill Gardiner.As I Went Down Zig ZagWarne1974Illustrated by John Astrop.Hill of the Fairy CalfHodder & Stoughton1976Illustrated by Robine Clignett.Song of the ShapesOdhams1977Illustrator not attributed.Twenty Four HoursOdhams1977Illustrator not attributed.The Animals’ CarolMacmillan1978Illustrated by Judith Horwood.'Quack!' Said the Billy GoatWalker Books1986Illustrated by Barbara Firth.When Dad Felt BadMacmillan1975Part of the 'Little Nippers' series.Limited Editions
TitlePublisherYearCommentThe Ballad of Charlotte DymondBryanston School1958Illustrated by Lionel Miskin.Johnny AlleluiaHeron Court Press196815 copies, each with a holograph of the poem alongside the printed version.Timothy WintersTurret Books1970Cover by Ralph Steadman; music by Wallace Southam. 100 copies printed.Six WomenKeepsake Press1973Illustrated by Stanley Simmonds. 180 copies printed.Ward 15Words Press1974Limited edition.Here We Go Round The Round HouseNew Broom Press1976Illustrated by Stanley Simmonds. 200 copies printed.SchondilieNew Broom Private Press1982Illustrated by Robert Tilling; 175 copies printed.HymnMorrigu Press198375 copies printed.Posters and Cards
TitlePublisherYearCommentInfant SongThe Arts Council of Great britain1974Card.Ballad of the Bread Man1968Card.Sailor’s Carol1951Card.I Saw a Jolly HunterDaedelus Press1970Card.Innocent’s SongExeter College of Art1971Poster.ZelahEvans Bros1972Broadsheet incuded as an insert in an edition of 'Child Education Quarterly'.At CandlemasIron Press1984Poster.I Saw a Jolly HunterLondon Transport poster (as part of the 'Poems on the Underground' series).Mary, Mary MagdaleneSt Mary’s Parish Church, Launceston(?Card?).New Year’s Eve, AthensPosterReturn to CornwallLondon Transport poster (as part of the 'Poems on the Underground' series). -
As Editor or Translator
Here you can see Causley's work an editor of anthologies, a role for which he was in much demand from early on in his career. Most of these books contain original forewords or introductions by him.
Causley also occasionally translated poetry from other languages. Where those are published in separate books, they're shown at the bottom of this page. In the first case, he worked 'live' with the original author, Hamidija Demirovic. However, this list does not include individual poems appearing within his own collections, and which Causley translated independently, from the original language
As Editor
TitlePublisherYearCommentPeninsula: An Anthology of Verse from the West CountryMacdonald1957Rising Early: Story Poems and Ballads of the 20th CenturyBrockhampton1964Illustrated by Anne Netherwood.Modern Folk BalladsVista1966In the Music I HearARC1970Poems by children of Launceston Voluntary Primary School.Oats and Beans and BarleyARC1971More poems by pupils of Launceston Voluntary Primary School.Dawn & Dusk: Poems of Our TimeBrockhampton1972Illustrated by Gerald Wilkinson.The Puffin Book of Magic VerseKestrel Books1974Illustrated by Barbara Swiderska.The Puffin Book of Salt-Sea VersePuffin1978Illustrated by Antony Maitland.The Batsford Book of Stories in VerseBatsford1979Illustrated by Charles Keeping.The Sun, Dancing: Christian VersePuffin1984Illustrated by Charles Keeping.Translations
TitlePublisherYearCommentTwenty Five PoemsKeepsake1980Poems by Yugoslavian poet Hamdija Demirovic. Translated by, and with an introduction by, Causley.SchondilieNew Broom Private Press1982Translation by Causley of an anonymous poem originally written in German. Illustrated by Robert Tilling; 175 copies printed.Kings’ ChildrenMid-Northumberland Arts Group1986Translation by Causley of a number of old German ballad poems, originally written by various poets. -
From his teenage years until late in his life, Causley wrote plays, libretti and other kinds of drama. All those that have been published are listed here. Some of them have been performed, on-stage or on radio. Others have also been performed, but are not published. A number of the unpublished and/or unperformed works are deposited in the Causley Archive, held at the University of Exeter in the U.K. -- those also appear below.
TitlePublisherYearCommentRunawayCurwen1936One-act play.The Conquering HeroCurwen1937One-act play.BenedictFrederick Muller1938One-act Play. Broadcast 27 April 1939 on BBC Western Region. Cast: Michael Holloway, Sylvia Parker, Dennis Anderson, Phyllis Smale, and Hedley Goodall. No recording of this now exists.Family BalletUnpublished. Held in the Causley Archive at Exeter, only.Sometime during the 1930s.One-act play.Arms and the MaidUnpublished: held in the Causley Archive at Exeter, only.Sometime during the 1930s.One-act play.The Journey of the Magi: a Nativity Play in Three ActsFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c1939-1940; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent)Verse drama. Written for St. Stephen's Church in Launceston, and performed there in January 1940.How Pleasant to Know Mrs LearFrederick Muller1948One-act play.The Three Kings' StoryFrancis Boutle LtdWritten 1979; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.The Doctor and the Devils Francis Boutle Ltd (in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent) An adaptation by Causley of Dylan Thomas' (then-unproduced) screenplay, with music by Stephen McNeff, and premiered by Contact Theatre in Manchester. Later also produced at the Banff Centre School of Performing Arts, Canada, in 1984.The Ballad of Aucassin and NicoletteKestrelBegun c.1974; published in 1981.Three-act play. Illustrated by Yvonne Gilbert; music by Stephen McNeff. Premiered by South West Music Theatre, Northcott Theatre, 1978. Broadcast by BBC Radio in 1980.The Doctor and the DevilsFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c.1980; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.The Doctor and the Devils Francis Boutle Ltd (in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent) An adaptation by Causley of Dylan Thomas' (then-unproduced) screenplay, with music by Stephen McNeff, and premiered by Contact Theatre in Manchester. Later also produced at the Banff Centre School of Performing Arts, Canada, in 1984.The Burning Boy: a Miracle Play for Music TheatreFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c. early 1980s; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.One-act oratorio, with music by Stephen McNeff. World premiere in Launceston, 2017, by a Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra ensemble. Also performed at St Ives, 2017, and at the 2019 Three Choirs Festival.The Gift of a Lamb: A Shepherds' Tale of the First Christmas Told as a Verse-Play for ChildrenRobson Books1985Illustrated by Shirley Phelps; music by Vera Grey. Paperback edition issued in 1980.Jonah: a Musical MoralityFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c. late 1980s; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.Written in seven scenes, with music by William Matthias. Performed at Guildford School, July 1988.The Emperor's New ClothesFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c. late 1980s-1990; published 2013 (in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent).A play in seven scenes.The TinderboxFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c. late 1980s-1990, published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.A play in fifteen scenes; written for and performed by Kneehigh Theatre Company.St Jerome and the Lion: a Church OperaFrancis Boutle LtdWritten c. early 1990s; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.Written in one scene.Aesop: a New OperaFrancis Boutle LtdWritten 1991; published 2013, in 'Charles Causley: Theatre Works', ed. Kent.Opera: libretto/'book' by Causley (adapted from LeStrange's 1692 translations) , with music by Stephen McNeff. Premiered by the National Youth Music Theatre, London; also performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 1991 (Fringe First Award). -
Causley wrote a number of substantial prose works: some are published separately under his name, and others exist as shorter contributions to anthologies,
Forewords and introductions to anthologies which Causley himself edited are listed on the “As Editor/Translator” page.
Please note that, for several decades, Causley also regularly contributed articles, reviews and similar pieces of journalism to newspapers and magazines, which are not listed here.
Complete prose works
TitlePublisherYearCommentHands to DanceCarroll & Nicholson1951Short stories, mainly with naval themes.Hands to Dance & SkylarkRobson1979Short stories as per 'Hands to Dabce', above -- but with the addition of an autobiographical war memoir.Dick WhittingtonPuffin1976A re-telling of the traditional folk-tale; translations into French German and Dutch exist (perhaps with some further languages, as well?).The Last King of CornwallHodder & Stoughton1978Story, illustrated by Krystyne Turska.The Merrymaid of ZennorOrchard1999Story, illustrated by Michael Foreman.Original prose contributions
TitlePublisherYearCommentBoth Sides of the TamarBossiney1974Autobiographical essay, in a collection of West Country writing.Causley at 70Peterloo1987Autobiographical essays (plus draft versions of the poem 'Immunity'), included as part of a 'festschrift' book mainly written by colleagues and friends as a tribute to Causley for his 70th birthday.Forewords and Introductions
TitlePublisherYearCommentAn Octave: Poems by Siegfried SassonThe Shenval Press1966Introduction.Selected Poems by Frances BellerbyEnitharmon Press1970Introduction.Those First AffectionsRoutledge & Keegan Paul1979Foreword to an anthology of poems composed by children aged 2 to 8.A Book of West CornwallWildwood House1981Foreword.Poetry PleaseDent1985Foreword. This popular book anthologising poems from the long-running BBC Radio series, at one point hosted by Causley) has run to many editions.Western Morning ViewsHarbour Books1985Foreword.Soho SquaresBloomsbury1991('Adventures After School')The Macmillan Treasury of Poetry for ChildrenMacmillan1997Foreword. -
Here are a number of publications about Charles Causley's life and work. Some are out of print, and only available second-hand or through libraries, but most others are available to order from traditional bookshops and online booksellers.
The Causley Trust's own Shop stocks some of these titles, too; please click HERE.
50 pieces on Causley's life, character and work by friends and admirers (plus Causley himself), produced for the centenary in 2017. Available from the Trust's Shop, on this website.A collection of 34 varied pieces about Causley and his work, mostly new, by many poets and other admirers (and including unpublished material of his own), produced for his 70th birthday in 1987. Available from the Trust's on-line Shop, on this website.A brief, illustrated life of Charles Causley by Malcolm Wright, published as a monograph locally in Launceston, for the town's Lawrence House Museum. Available to purchase from the Trust's on-line Shop, on this website.Extracts from a wide range of Causley's writings and interviews (plus other material) -- revealing the man, his life and ideas. Available from www.scryfa.com.A collection of 22 wide-ranging academic essays about Causley's poetry (in English, although the book was published in Germany). Available on Amazon or e-Bay, only.A collection of 25 poems celebrating Causley's 65th birthday in 1982. All were newly-written for the occasion, by some of the best-known English poets of the time. Available on Amazon or e-Bay, only.The first full-length biography of Charles Causley; illustrated. Available on AmazonContains most of Causley’s published dramatic works, plus some unpublished ones. Available from Francis Boutle Ltd.A study of Charles Causley's personal attitudes and approaches towards religion and faith, taken from his life-story and his poetry; available at www.scryfa.orgA 90' documentary by Jane Darke, on DVD (later broadcast on BBC4, in a 60' version). Available from the Trust's Shop, on this website.A CD of 12 Charles Causley poems, set to music by Jim Causley (a distant relative). They were recorded with other musicians at the poet's former home -- and, even using his own piano there for some of the songs. Available from the Trust's on-line Shop, on this website (or, visit http://www.jimcausley.co.uk).Another Jim Causley CD: settings of 21 different poems, written by Causley especially for children. Available at the Trust's Shop, on this website.