The Charles Causley Trust was delighted to welcome HRH the Duke of Kent to Cyprus Well on 18 September 2018. The Duke met local dignitaries before being shown around Cyprus Well by Trust Chairman, Ian Tunbridge. He was introduced to Trust staff, partners, benefactors, volunteers, poets, artists, and local school children. There was a reading of Charles Causley’s poem ‘A Ballad for Katharine of Aragon’ by poet and Trustee Penelope Shuttle. David Devanny, our most recent writer in residence, and Isaac Cude, a previous Young Person’s poetry competition prize winner, read their poems to the Duke. Then two local school children read poems on the subject of ‘The Cornish Countryside’ which they had entered into this year’s Young Person’s poetry competition (winners yet to be decided).
The Duke then signed the vistor’s book at Cyprus Well before receiving gifts of a limited edition centenary mug and CDs of Charles Causley’s poems by award winning folk musician and relative of Charles Causley, Jim Causley.
As well as being an opportunity to showcase the work of the Trust, it was also wonderful and cohesive for the many dedicated supporters of the Trust to meet, catch up, and renew contacts. All in all, this was a landmark day for the Charles Causley Trust and we would like to thank everyone who attended, many of whom made long journeys to be there.