‘Owl Dream’ by Annemarie Cooper
Walking in nature is essential to Annemarie Cooper’s writing. She has had two pamphlets published Seeds by Fkarestack, The Flight...
Twyelyghte by Ellie Rees
Ellie Rees is a former teacher who retired and became a poet. Her first collection, ‘Ticking’ was published by Hedgehog...
Back to the Poetry Basics: Write a Haiku with Me!
Sometimes the shortest and sweetest of poems can be just as effective as a two-page long ballad. In accordance with...
‘Another Poem about our Early Days’ by Sarah Barr
Sarah Barr lives in Dorset where she writes poetry and fiction. Her writing has appeared in various magazines, anthologies and...
‘Heartbroken and Hungover in Oxfam Books and Music’ by Caroline Burrows
Caroline Burrows’ poetry has featured on BBC Radio 4, been printed in BBC Sky at Night Magazine, and shown at the Sheffield Adventure and Kendal Mountain Film Festivals. Her...
The ‘Lightbulb Moment:’ How to ignite inspiration for your next poem
We’ve made it to July, which can only mean one thing: it’s poetry! As the theme for this month is...
‘Grapefruit’ by Maisie Franklin
Maisie Franklin is a student at the University of Exeter. This piece is taken from her Creative Writing dissertation. ...
‘The Fish Tank’ by Austin Bowsher
My name is Austin Bowsher and I am a recent University of Exeter graduate, soon to have my degree in...
July’s Call for Content: Summer of Literature
WRITERS HALT HERE! Welcome to a new month of Summer of Literature! We are heading into July with a month-long...
‘Sweeping Puddles’ by Arlene Jackson
Arlene Jackson is a former nurse, living in Glasgow. Arlene had to leave her profession many moons ago, due to...
Juno Dunn: Mothering Sunday
Mothering Sunday There was a time of no babies. We listened close for their arrival Ears cocked to the...
Emily Harrison: Inherit the Wind
Inherit the Wind My grandmother is dusting her porcelain clowns says over time they were forced to love each...