The Maker The Charles Causley Literary Blog
Emily Harrison: Inherit the Wind
Inherit the Wind
My grandmother
is dusting her porcelain
clowns says over time they
were forced to love each other
full and up to the bricks of it
the low ceilings the bunkbeds
and sheet lightning he never
yelled big obscenities never
spat blood never hid a gun behind
a bathtub panel arctic roll
sat softly in the freezer asbestos
snuggled in the walls impeccable
skirting boards he liked
it done a certain way baked beans
on roast dinners never voted never
stepped foot in the school never nativities
never indented the back of her head in drywall
things were more pastel back then when you married
for good men kept their control strictly financial
the plates on the walls hid tiny chickens waiting
to lay their tiny eggs women were unmedicated
no one knew what happened to dust before it settles
‘Inherit the Wind’ won the third place prize of our 2021 International Poetry Competition.