The results of our Cornish Schools Artwork Competition are here! We would like to thank everyone who entered the competition; we received a fantastic selection of entries this year.
In connection with the Causley Festival of Arts & Literature this summer, the theme for this year’s artwork competition was ‘What Can you See Through Charles Causley’s Glasses?’, inviting students to fire up their imagination and show us what they thought they might see if they looked through Charles’ famous horn-rimmed spectacles.
The competition was split into three categories: ages 5-8, 9-12, and 13-18.
The winners for the 5-8 category are:
1st – Arwena Hartgroves, Age 8
2nd – Merryn F Fitch, Age 8
3rd – Poppie Mouatt, Age 8
You can view the winning entries for this category, here: Winners 5-8 (inorder)
The winners for the 9-12 category are:
1st – Theo Talbot, Age 11
2nd – Peetah Victoria Edney, Age 10
3rd – Eliza Rose Dickson, Age 9
You can view the winning entries for this category, here: 9-12 category
The winners for the 13-18 category are:
1st – Libby Rix, Age 15
2nd – Evie Meek, Age 15
3rd – Luke Callingham
And our overall winner is … Theo Talbot, Age 11!
Theo’s winning artwork image (above) will be used by the Charles Causley Trust in 2022, so keep your eyes pealed for it in the new year! Congratulations to all of our winners!