Mary Magdalene remembers washing Jesus’s feet by Sue Proffitt
He came in from the hot noon-glare, brought shadow in with him under his cloak as if he carried night...
The Day Dad Came Home by Juleus Ghunta
I ran into his arms before he could park his bike & we almost tipped over. He lifted me so...
Blessing by Anastasia Taylor-Lind
Bless the soft rain that falls in shell holes. Bless the earth, blasted apart, the earthworm softening the soil. ...
June Diary by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
June 2024 Diary June was a varied month filled with poetry, music and art. On the poetry reading front, I...
June Musings by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
I was writing poetry aged twelve and still have a poem that my mother kept from that time. I recognise...
May Diary by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
As well as attending the 10th Festival of Suffolk Poetry and doing a reading in Cornwall (see May Musings), I...
May Musings by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
As I mentioned in my April Diary, I was working hard to develop more poetry contacts in Cornwall during my...
‘A Vision of Home’ Part 2: Podcast by Chloé Eathorne
During my weekend stay at Cyprus Well last November, I took many field recordings capturing interesting sounds from the environment...
April Diary by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
The beginning of the month began with listening to the winners of National Poetry Day which is always interesting. There...
April Musings by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
I spent Easter Monday at Gainsborough’s House in Sudbury. This has recently been revamped and extended with a grant from...
March Diary by Sue Wallace-Shaddad
I hope all readers have had a happy Easter, so early this year and with the daffodils now finishing. March...